The sole purpose of this website is to provide general information on Irish Oxygen and on the services it provides. This website will make every effort to ensure that the information thus provided is, at the time of its inclusion on the Website, updated and as exact and complete as possible. Irish Oxygen does not warrant in any way that the information published on the Website, or that can be found through the Website, is accurate and exhaustive, and it reserves the right to amend the content of the published documents and / or of the programs included in the Site itself, without prior notice.
Irish Oxygen declines all responsibility for any mistakes, inaccuracies and omissions in regard to information available on the Website or accessible through the Website itself, and in general for any damage, whether direct or consequential, that might result from being unable to access the Website, from using information published on the Website or accessible through the Website, from any software error or contamination deriving from accessing the Website, or from connecting to or downloading material from the Website.
Intellectual property rights for all documents contained in the Website and for all the elements that make up the Website belong exclusively to Irish Oxygen, which does not grant any license or rights apart from those concerning consultation of the Website. In particular, brand and other intellectual property rights quoted in the Website are owned by Irish Oxygen.
Irish Oxygen is in no way liable for the content or functioning of other websites accessible through this Website. The existence of a hyperlink does not imply an approval or acceptance of liability by Irish Oxygen, as these web pages are independent of Irish Oxygen, which is unable to exercise any control over them.
The information published on this Website has purely informative and advisory purposes, and does not imply any professional relationship with the user and / or anybody visiting the Website; it is not to be regarded as consultancy, nor does it imply any professional relationship with a customer. The user is therefore expressively and explicitly requested to avoid acting on the basis of information found on this Website.
If present, areas of the site under the heading "Comments" are made available to Internet users to interact with one another. It is illegal to use them to post contents that may infringe third parties' rights, or that are in any case illegal or illegitimate. Posting contents in these areas implies having viewed, and fully agreeing to, these Terms and Conditions. Irish Oxygen is in no way liable for any material posted in these areas as it does not have any control over them. Should users notice illegal behavior, they are invited to report it to
In regard to any disputes arising over the accessing or use of the Website, or over the downloading or use of material sent, or any other matter between the user and the owner of the Website or any other subject that has cooperated, is cooperating or is going to cooperate on the creation and management of the Website, the user agrees to accept the jurisdiction of the Irish State and, in any case, that the applicable legislation will be that existing in Ireland at the time of the dispute, regardless of the user's place of residence or registered office.
Services are provided, produced and managed directly by Irish Oxygen or by other subjects with which Irish Oxygen has an agreement.
Subscribing to the Newsletter service implies having viewed, and fully agreeing to, these Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Policy. In the event that no subscription is forthcoming, the Newsletter service shall not be supplied. The Privacy Policies of third-party suppliers of the service can be viewed at their corresponding websites.